
Inflation... are you really surprised?

I am a little annoyed that everyone seems to be so very blindsided by inflation. Erm, we had loose money ever since the recently confirmed Mr. Powell has taken office, and that was when the economy was strong. Nevermind non-stop fiscal stimulus even during an upturn. Nevermind Fed aiding and abetting during economic upswings. Nevermind a low interest rate promoting an overvalued stock market. Hoorah to Jay Powell for accommodating the federal deficit at all costs. It all monetizes in the wash, I suppose Needless monetary stimulus plus unprecedented fiscal stimulus = inflation?  Mind blown.

Letter that I sent my Senators

I wish to tell you that I am an independent voter with a dedication to classical liberalism.  I do, however, understand that politics are politics.   All I wish to do is encourage politicians to do what is right while appealing to their sense of political expediency. "Dear Mr. X, I wish to urge you to take further action to support Ukraine in its war against the Russian Federation.  Although I think that the cost of opposing Russia will be very high domestically and internationally, I think that the United States needs to take a stand against a global power that wishes to intimidate our allies in Europe into submission and take control of all geopolitical affairs.  We cannot wait for them to have a falling out with China; we must act now to protect our friends and ourselves against tyranny. I know that there is the likelihood of inflation.  It is very unpalatable, as is the human cost of potential military involvement.  The seeds of inflation were sown...

The Oracle Cometh

I will write again.   Yes, I will. Currently, I would suggest that you fill your gas tanks right away.  The situation in Ukraine is getting worse, and I bet that oil prices will go up, up, up until...  Well, I guess until Russia has figured out that its economy relies on oil exports. Of course, the US needs to ramp up oil production to supply the market if Russia will not.   To be continued...